Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I finished the glass i soldered the broken pieces of glass together which took 4 hours considering the pieces were really big and didn't want to stay together very well. Then at the very very end i screwed in the last screws on the top of the frames. it turned out very nicely. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wood working

I have made the frames on friday i still have 1 more frame to go. I have pealed off all the rest of the contact paper on 2 pieces of glass. the broken one i am waiting until i have the paper to go behind. then i am going to screw on the last piece of the frame. friday i am going to have the paper to go behind the glass and finish the final piece. On second thought i think i am going to try to not put any paper behind. I would put brackets on each of the frames and let them be free standing on a table in front of the window, accordion style.  

Saturday, May 16, 2009

This is the finished 2nd glass. I like this one its not broken. I'm so happy they are turning out pretty cool. I will remember most of these things. It will be sweet to look back at this 20 years from now. seeing if i can remember any of it. and maybe help me tell some stories to my kids. Ha! I'm lovin it. To have a story of every day keep you from forgetting what really went on in my head and my feelings. The people i met up with and talked too. 

catching up w/days

Today, i will have caught up with my self and the days that i need to draw and then cut out. by friday i will have had all the squares filled for the last piece. Next week i will be getting wood for the frames, and then hopefully by thurs or sooner i will be starting to make or plan out the frames for the 3 glass pieces. Lets see what i get done this week. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How To...

Glass... whatever size you want it to be 3ft x 18inches cost 20$
Contact paper - to put over the glass 5$ for a 9 ft x 18 inches
Tape measure
Straight edge
Micron pen black 03 - 2$ a pen Maker to draw on the contact paper of what you want cut out.
Exacto knife - to then cut out what you want etched
Etching cream - online for 24$ 22 oz.

then you can go to the a thrift store and get a frame.  I am going to buy some wood and make my own frame. The glass pieces could be coasters. Anything you want it to be. Work on something hard so the glass doesn't break if its going to be big pieces.  

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 6

From today, to maybe in a week or two I want to have finished the 2nd piece of glass. I will continue to work on at least 2-3 pictures a day. I have all 15 pics for the next piece of glass to fill up. I haven't had a lot of time work the last couple day due to other homework. I am working on a firmer piece of particle board so my glass doesn't break again.